Диригентський жест в структурі виконавської інтерпретації диригента оркестру
Conductor’s gesture in the structure of executive interpretation of the orchestra conductor
Objective. The article analyzes aesthetic, musicological and performance principles of the conductor's gesture. The methodology of the work consists in applying comparative, aesthetic, cultural, historical, musicological methods that form a single methodological basis. The specified methodological approach allows to reveal and analyze the specifics of the conductor's gesture in the structure of the performing interpretation. The scientific novelty of the work is to identify positions proving that the conductor's gesture appears in its movement forms to the closest musical utterance as such when musical ideas are broadcast without a verbal "mediator", immediately "pure", complete structures that do not require analytical "splitting" – which, in fact, is fundamental to music as an art form. Conclusions. It is proved that, like all music and performing arts, conducting has as its purpose sound creation, interpretation of a musical text through intonation. Demonstrating a holistic musical idea with specific non-verbal and conductor’s gestures and shows, the conductor's performing art has created its own developed, complex technical and technological system, i.e. the language of the conductor's gesture.
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