Keywords: author, authorship, composer, instrumental concerto, classical guitar, guitar art, guitar performance, concerto for guitar with orchestra, concert performance, virtuosity, individual compositional style


Aim of the work. The article examines the theoretical basis of the category of authorship in its projection on modern musicology with the identification of the peculiarities of the action in the genre of the guitar concert. The research methodology consists in the application of aesthetic-cultural, historical, philosophical- psychological, musicological methods with the involvement of a performing approach, in the complex they form a single methodological basis. The scientific novelty of the work arises in the identifying the specifics of the functioning of the categories of author and authorship in guitar music, their influence on the genre poetics of the guitar concerto. Conclusions. “Born” in the field of literary studies, the problem of authorship has recently increasingly gained the attention of musicologists, showing its manifestations both in the genre-stylistic, compositional, and performance spheres of the functioning of musical creativity. The flexibility and mobility of the instrumental concerto, along with the stability and clarity of the features of the genre’s nature, favorably distinguish it from other genres, ensuring its viability for several centuries in a row. A certain paradoxical combination of meaningful freedom and stability of the main genre features gives rise to the embodiment of the deep logic of this genre from the point of view of the phenomenon of authorship. In dialogue with the author-composer, the performer and the listener overcome the “foreignness of the stranger”, strive to reach the creative core of the personality of the author of the work and at the same time reveal the ability to be spiritually enriched by the experience of another person and the ability to express oneself. The activation of composers’ intentions aimed at guitar music in the 20th century gave a significant impetus to the development of a more complex harmonic language, atypical textural and applicative solutions, which bring guitar technique to a new level of intonation and performance skill. Concerto for guitar with orchestra D-dur M. Castelnuovo-Tedesco became an important milestone in the history of the guitar, significantly changing the guitar repertoire, raising it to the rank of an actual resource for modern musical art. This was facilitated by the author’s intentions of the composer M. Castelnuovo-Tedesco and the performer A. Segovia.


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How to Cite
Liu, Y. (2022). CATEGORY OF AUTHORITY AND ITS MANIFESTATIONS IN A GUITAR CONCERT. Music Art and Culturе, 2(35), 159-170.